Propose home security equipment incentive program. Work with Peel Police and community organizations like Neighborhood Watch to increase vigilance, lobby for increased police presence/funding
Work with Peel Police to address growing speeding issues across Ward 11 through increased patrolling, re-routing some traffic at peak hours, enforcement and education programs. Increase pedestrian and cyclist safety.
Propose a two-year freeze on property tax increases while inflation remains extremely high
Propose reduced property taxes for eligible seniors on limited or low income
Instead of towering skyscrapers, propose intelligent new medium-density housing for Ward 11. Advocate for stronger inclusionary zoning for new projects
Propose all new developments and in-fills be in harmony with existing architectural style and character. Achieve harmonious balance between density and character respecting our environment and climate change programs
Set up a volunteer representative council to advise on diversity issues that require attention in Ward 11
Allow one-hour free parking along Queen Street and feeder streets. Explore feasibility of a multi-level parking facility in Streetsville
More organized youth activities in our community centers as a crime deterrent. Increase intake capacity for various programs. Improve libraries and enhance park maintenance
I will host a monthly online / in person “town hall” meeting for any Ward 11 citizens to join. Will regularly report via e-newsletter
Lobby City Hall to request a higher percentage of the gasoline taxes. It’s been set at 2 cents per liter since 2000 (when gas was 0.70 per liter). Should be re-visited in the light of current fuel prices that have tripled