Rebate for Your Donation

Mississauga residents may be eligible for a partial rebate of any donation that is $100 or larger. The rebate is calculated on the total amount contributed to all candidates.

The rebate amounts are as follows:

  • 75% of the first $300 of your donations for a rebate of up to $225;
  • 50% of the next $700 for an additional rebate of up to $350;
  • 33% of the next $200 for an additional rebate of up to $66.

The total maximum rebate for donating to Annurag is $641 on a maximum donation of $1,200.
The maximum rebate for donations to multiple Mississauga candidates is $1,500.

For full details and requirements please read the City of Mississauga’s Campaign Contribution Rebate Program

Contribution Rules

Please review these political contribution regulations for Ontario municipal campaigns:

  • Contributions to a candidate may only be made by individuals who are normally resident in Ontario.
  • Contributions must be made from the contributor’s own funds.
  • An individual may contribute a maximum of $1,200 to a candidate. The maximum total amount that a contributor can give to candidates in the same jurisdiction (i.e. running for the same council or the same school board) is $5,000.
  • Corporations and trade unions are not permitted to make contributions.
  • Groups such as clubs, associations or ratepayer’s groups not permitted to make contributions as a group, though members of these groups may make individual contributions from their personal funds as long as they are residents of Ontario.